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Baby Gift Basket Ideas

Ideas on how to put together a "not your average" baby gift basket

The Gift Basket. A tried and true, not to mention very popular gift choice. I actually love getting gift baskets, but I always put them together myself. Putting the gift basket together yourself gives it a little more personality and sincerity. Putting in effort shows that it comes from the heart!

But there's no fun in giving the same old hand basket gift arrangement. Is there? I wanna share some ideas with you on how to break out of the same old same old. Let's give the baby gift basket a fresh new face.

Put a new spin on old themes

Let's just kind of throw away the idea of a gift "basket". Why does it have to be a basket? Here's some Ideas I came up with to replace the "basket" part of the baby gift basket.

Baby Bath Gift Basket

bathtub baby gift basket Are you planning to do a bath themed gift basket? Gonna fill the basket full of bath time baby stuff? How about filling a baby tub instead?

Check the baby registry and there is bound to be a baby bathtub on it. Grab it quick before someone else does and fill it with bath related products to make the cutest, most useful gift ever. Here's some ideas on what to fill it with:

- baby soap, shampoo, lotion

- baby wash cloths

- hooded bath towels

- terry cloth bath robe towel

- bath toys

- rubber ducky!

- baby grooming kit (fingernail trimmers, comb, soft brush, etc..)

- diapers and wipes

- sponge bathing basin

The Clothes Hamper

Are you the kind who just can't stop yourself from buying mostly baby clothes as a baby gift? Take it to the next level! Make a clothes hamper baby gift basket. Find a really cute hamper and fill it up. You can find a way to do this stylishly, trust me. Pick out all the outfits for the little one that you want! Always make sure to get them for a few different sizes into the future. For example, one or two in 3-6 month sizes, then also one or two in 6+, and so on. The baby's parents will appreciate it more than you know. Here's what else you can fill up the hamper with:

- sensitive formula baby clothes detergent

- baby Oxy-clean

- baby clothes hangers

- matching hats, socks, and booties

- baby blankets- Do they bring their laundry to the laundry mat? Throw in a roll of quarters!

At most baby showers all of the guests go crazy buying items that the baby will use as soon as the little one is born. Often times, there are so many gifts that many go unused. It is not at all a bad idea to buy gifts that the baby will not use until they are a bit older. I mean, we are only talking a matter of months here.

The Toy Box

Why not give a baby gift basket full of toys? Better yet, replace the basket with a toy box. You can fill it with toys ranging from those made for newborns all the way up to 12 months old. No matter what the case, these gifts will see some use! Here's some must have toys:

- soft blocks

- baby rattles

- teething toys

- Baby Einstein DVD (OMG trust me it is a serious must have if the baby's parents ever want some time to themselves)

- teddy bears and soft animals

- crib toys

The Diaper Bag

Are the baby's parents on the go? Work a lot or travel a lot? How about a baby travel kit. Fill a great Diaper Bag and make the bag as a baby gift basket. Fill it with the essentials:

- diapers (of course!)

- travel wipes case (and wipes)

- formula carry cup

- travel size Vaseline and diaper rash cream

- onesies

- pacifier tote

- baby Tylenol

- bottles and bottle warmer tote case

- diaper changing pad

Or how about a "visit to Grandma's house" gift. Replace the basket with a cute pint sized suitcase! Here's some ideas to fill it with:

- a travel outfit

- pajamas

teddy bears for baby gift baskets - a blankie

- baby books

- teddy bear

- travel swing

- bottle and bottle warmer

Or maybe you just want to stick with giving all of the essentials, or purely what is on the registry. No problem. You can still create a unique baby gift basket out of items on the registry. Consider finding a way to fill and arrange each of these items as a stylish or unique gift basket.

- baby carrier or baby seat

- baby Bumbo seat

- diaper stacker

- baby stroller

- baby bassinet

No matter what you fill your baby basket with just remember - you can never go wrong with diapers. No matter what the baby gift theme is, buy diapers!
There's always room for a cute handmade gift or two also. Add your own handmade baby blankets, baby toys, or baby clothes!

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