make your own baby stuff

Homemade Baby Teething Remedies and Recipes

Baby teething. All of us moms go through it at one time or another. And boy, can it be challenging. There are an abundance of teething rings and toys in the stores to buy to help your baby along with this trying time. No matter how many teething toys and rings I had I have to honestly say that some of the home remedies I use have always worked the best. Here are some of my favorites to share with you!

Homemade Baby Teething Biscuits

This teething biscuit recipe is one that was handed down from my mom. It was handed down to her and she used it for both me and my younger brother. These are great especially if you store them in the freezer for those especially difficult and painful days. And even better, these have almost no crumbs at all. No crumbs, no mess!

Hard Teething Biscuit Recipe

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar (white or brown)
  • 2 1/2 cups flour

Break the eggs into a bowl and stir them until they are creamy.
Add the sugar and continue stirring until blended.
Gradually add the flour to make a stiff dough.
Roll the dough out between two sheets of lightly floured wax paper to about 3/4" thickness.
Cut the dough and roll it into small snake shapes (about cigar sized) to form somewhat biscotti shaped baby teething biscuits.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Cover with wax paper or saran wrap and let stand in the fridge overnight (about 10-12 hours).
Bake at 325 degrees until browned and hard.

Makes about 12 durable and almost crumb free teething biscuits.

Home Teething Remedies

Baby Washcloths

This is one of the easiest baby teething remedies. It is also at the top of my list as a favorite.

The easiest way to execute this remedy is to simply tie a baby washcloth into a knot. Holding the loose ends of washcloth dip the knot into freezing cold ice water. Squeeze a little of the excess water out and hand it to your baby. The loose ends should stay dry. Both for baby to hang onto, but also to help catch the drool. Yup, you know they drool buckets when they are teething.

Another great way to make washcloth baby teething rings is to make a handful of them at a time. Tie about 3 or 4 baby cloths into separate knots. Again, dip the washcloth into cold water, but this time place each one in a zip lock to keep it clean, and pop them in the freezer for a few hours. This way you will have a super cold baby teething toy, and also have them on hand at any time you might need.

Frozen Fruit

The Frozen Banana

I used this remedy a lot. It doubles as a snack and my baby simply loves it. Simply take a nice ripe banana and cut it in half. Insert a popsicle stick into the end, or what I used most of the time was a baby fork. Place the banana in a zip lock freezer bag until frozen.
To serve the banana to your baby you will need to remove the peel. This can be a bit of a pain in the butt, but worth it. Just take a very sharp knife and slice the peel off sections. I know it sounds like it makes more sense to freeze it without the peel, but trust me, not a good idea. This completely dries it out. It's just not appetizing at all.

Frozen Fruit in a Mesh Baby Feeder

Using a mesh baby feeder to feed your baby opens up a world of new foods to try with your baby, and it also doubles as a great baby teething remedy. These feeders are sometimes called "safe feeders" because it gives you the opportunity to feed whole foods to your baby without the risk of them choking. It also gives them some good practice at chewing.

For a baby teething remedy simply fill the feeder with frozen fruits. My suggestions? I like to use cantaloupe, strawberry (remove the seeds), or watermelon. You can even fill it with ice cubes. I like to freeze some 100% fruit juice and place the ice cube into the mesh bags. To purchase a two pack of these mesh baby feeders I recommend checking out

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