make your own baby stuff

Make Your Own Classic Pooh Baby Bedding

Make classic pooh baby bedding

You can make your own classic pooh baby bedding and save a lot of money while you're at it. Most baby bedding sets with theme's like classic pooh come with a hefty price tag. Really most any baby bedding sets will cost an arm and a leg these days. Making your own baby bedding and pooh baby stuff will mostly cost you a lot of effort. But you will enjoy yourself along the way, and when you are finished you will have a fabulous custom bedding set that you can be proud of.

I have been obsessed with Classic Pooh (anything Winnie the Pooh related, really) since I was a little girl. When my daughter was born I wanted to get her all pooh baby stuff. I almost choked when I saw some of the prices on things. For instance, a pooh mobile that cost $65.00 and that was on sale! I was floored. Especially since I knew so many of these things could be made at home. They could be made with so much more flair and personality.

For one thing, you can buy classic pooh and Disney pooh fabrics at many popular stores. To name a couple, Joann Fabric and Walmart. If you wait for a sale you can make your classic pooh baby bedding and other pooh baby stuff for even cheaper.

handmade classic pooh baby blanket

I recently made a really cute handmade fleece and silk classic pooh baby blanket. I found the fabric for the blanket at Joann Fabrics. In fact they had quite a nice selection of classic pooh fabrics. The fabric was on sale so I bought a yard each of two different fabrics. I ended up spending around $19.00 on the fabric altogether. I made a blanket that would most likely sell anywhere from $35.00 to $50.00 or more, in a boutique. The blanket was super easy to make and so soft and luxurious. I still had enough fabric left over to make a baby pillow or matching hat. Not bad. Not bad at all.

make classic pooh baby bedding The materials I bought when I made my baby blanket were actually a more high end and expensive fabric. So I could only imagine the money you could save by making an entire classic pooh bedding set. I can see great possibilities in making pooh crib bumpers, pillows, blankets, and other pooh stuff.

If I had to give any good advice it would be to go shopping out at the fabric stores for pooh fabric. Get some prices and then try and find it online for a better price. Even Ebay may be a good source to find a bargain.

One thing I will tell you is that if you buy classic pooh baby bedding sets retail you will be looking at $150.00 for 3 pieces. There is one sold through Target that is around $79.00 but it is pretty blah looking. Bottom line - make your own classic pooh baby bedding. You will save money and have a much higher quality product that will look beautiful in your new baby nursery.

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